Call for papers CLOSED
The organisers of the Sixth International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching are currently reviewing all abstracts. Notification of the review outcome is scheduled for early March 2015.
Abstract submission is now closed. Notification of the review outcome is scheduled for early March 2015.
Conference themes
Tasks for Real
The conference theme is Tasks for Real. We are particularly interested in proposals that focus on:
- tasks that encourage language learning for real-life purposes;
- tasks that emphasize meaning-making;
- the authentic use of tasks in the classroom.
Relevant themes include:
- tasks in naturalistic language learning,
- TBLT in real classrooms
- task features, task design and syllabus development
- interaction in the classroom and in real-life learning environments
- task-based assessment
- TBLT implementation and innovation strategies
- the role of the teacher and teacher training
- technology-mediated TBLT
- learner autonomy, motivation and individual learner differences
- evaluating task-based instruction, materials, and programs
- needs analysis in TBLT
Conference papers
Individual papers
Individual papers should report on original research or make a thought-provoking theoretical contribution to the field. Research proposals should provide explicit information on the research design. Paper presentations will be 30 minutes (20 minutes presentation time, plus 10 minutes for discussion).
Submissions for individual papers should include :
- a title (15 words maximum)
- an abstract (500 words maximum)
- a brief summary for the conference program (50 words maximum)
Colloquia may include research-based papers, practice-oriented presentations and thought-provoking theoretical contributions.
The duration of a colloquium is 2 hours. We recommend limiting colloquia to 3 or 4 papers to allow sufficient time for meaningful debate.
Submissions for colloquia should include:
- a title (15 words maximum)
- an abstract providing an overview of the entire colloquium including the amount of time allotted to each component (500 words maximum)
- abstracts of the individual papers in the colloquium (200 words maximum per paper) should be uploaded when the proposal is submitted
- a brief summary of the colloquium for the conference program (100 words maximum)
Submit colloquium proposals by sending the proposal in one document to
The organisers of TBLT 2015 would like to share this call for contributions to a colloquium on TBLT and Eye tracking, organized by Dr. Aline Godfroid (Michigan State University, USA) and Dr. Marije Michel (Lancaster University, UK). More info
During a workshop, the audience should work with, or around, tasks. Frameworks, tools and instruments that are relevant to TBLT should be used in an active way. Proposals should describe not only the workshop content, but also its methodology. The duration of a workshop is 1 hour.
Submissions should include :
- a title (15 words maximum)
- an abstract (500 words maximum) which includes an explicit description of the workshops activities the audience will engage in
- a brief summary for the conference program (50 words maximum)
Show and tell
Show and tell talks will be part of a practice-oriented colloquium organized by the TBLT 2015 conference committee. Practitioners and researchers are invited to show a video or present task-based materials and approaches in a brief, concrete, and visually appealing way.
The duration of a show and tell task is 10 minutes, followed by 5 minutes discussion time. Submissions should include:
- a title (15 words maximum)
- an abstract (500 words maximum)
- a brief summary for the conference program (50 words maximum)
Evaluation of proposals
All proposals will be peer reviewed by the International Consortium on TBLT on the basis of the following criteria:
- Direct relevance to the conference topic and themes.
- Clarity, coherence, and originality of the proposal.
The deadline for submission is 10 January 2015.
Submit abstracts for individual papers, workshops and show and tell sessions via this link.
Submit colloquium proposals by sending the proposal in one document to Notification of the review outcome is scheduled for early March 2015.
An individual may be included in multiple proposals for presentations at TBLT 2015; however, the organising committee reserves the right to limit the total number of presentations by any individual in order to maintain a fair distribution of opportunities to participate in the conference.